UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights
Fostering the Art of Convergence and Cooperation in Global Ethics
Areas of Interest

Activities and News
Sigillo di Merito – Rete Cattedre UNESCO Italiane (ReCUI)
In occasione della Giornata Mondiale dell’Educazione, celebrata il 24 gennaio, come membri della Rete delle Cattedre UNESCO, abbiamo partecipato all’Assemblea Generale ReCUI. É stato un momento di confronto e dialogo che ha coinvolto le 44 Cattedre UNESCO italiane,...
Still Humans – Art, Humanity & BioethicsStill Humans
Alsama's Art Project: Art, Humanity & Bioethics By Renata S Beman, PhD This project was inspired by hope. It started when I met the Alsama project after seeing a journalistic report on Sky News. It was love at first sight, and after a few meetings, the concept of...
Giulia Bovassi appointed as Profesor Titular at Anahuac Mexico University
We are pleased to announce that Giulia Bovassi, UNESCO Chair Associate Researcher, has been appointed as Profesor Titular by Dr. Jose Alberto Castilla, Dean of the School of Bioethics, Anahuac Mexico University. She will be teaching the Research Methodology in...
Fr. Badr and Nigris at the 17th World Conference in Bioethics
From 24th to 26th November 2025 the 17th World Conference In Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Health Law will be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The World Conference will provide its participants with an international hub for valuable scientific debate on more than 60...
Promoting Digital Inclusion for People with Disabilities: Challenges and Perspectives
As part of the Educational and Digital Poverty Program, the Department of Planning, Design, and Architectural Technology, La Sapienza University, on December 9, 2024, organized an event entitled “From Access to Empowerment Addressing Digital Education Poverty And...
Serena Montefusco as a keynote speaker at Platinum Jubilee International Conference – St Thomas College Palai (Autonomous), Kerala, India.
On December 6th, Serena Montefusco, Head of Project and Communication Management at the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights, participated as a keynote speaker during the inaugural session of the Platinum Jubilee International Conference on "Reimagining Human...
Prof. Fr. Joseph Tham at the Catholic University of Korea
From 7-10 November the 18th Asia Federation of Catholic Medical Associations Congress took place in Seul, Korea, at the Catholic University of Korea. Prof. Fr. Joseph Tham, LC, UNESCO Chair Research Scholar and Full professor of the Faculty of Bioethics (Pontifical...
Giulia Bovassi, Assistant Researcher of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights, spoke during the informal hearing at the 2nd and 10th Joint Committees of the Senate of the Republic on medically assisted death
On Monday 11 Nov., Giulia Bovassi, Assistant Researcher of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights, spoke during the informal hearing at the 2nd and 10th Joint Committees of the Senate of the Republic on medically assisted death where Bill Nos. 65, 104, 124,...