International Conference

Religions, Cultures, Human Rights: Complex Relations in Evolution

The UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights was one of the co-sponsors of the International Conference “Religions, Cultures, Human Rights: Complex Relations in Evolution” organized by Religion for Peace and under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic.  It was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affair in Rome from May 12-13, 2010.  The UNESCO Chair fellow Fr. Joseph Tham represented our director Alberto Garcia to explain the project we have initiated in the areas of Religion, Multiculturalism and Bioethics to more than 100 participants and speakers at this congress.  Filippo Vari, full time professor of the Law program at the European University of Rome, and Felix de Luxembourg, Sherilyn DiMarco and Claire Lademacher, students of the School of Bioethics who are interns of the Chair were also present.  See program flyer