oxfordThe European Neuroscience and Society Network organized two days of conferences (December 7-8) at the Said Business School of Oxford University . The event was titled “Neurosociety… What is it with the brain these days?” Prof. Alberto Garcia J.D. and Prof. Joseph Tham attended the gathering on behalf of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights.

Professors were invited from around the globe to speak and interchange views and findings on the newly developing field of neurosciences and their impact on our society, hence the neologism “neurosociety”. Some of the most prominent figures included Prof. Steve Woolgar (Oxford University), Prof. Nikolas Rose (London School of Economics), and Professors Nigel Thrift and Gemma Calvert (Warwick University).

An overlapping theme was the aparition of “neuromarketing” onto the global scene. Speakers critically analyzed the role of the human brain in the academic, financial, commercial and political environments, and reflected upon how and why the brain is of powerful consequence.