UNESCO Chair Fellow Dominique Monlezun and Director Alberto Garcia recently co-authored the “casuistry” entry of the Springer reference work Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics. Below is an abstract of his entry and a link to further information.


Abstract:  Casuistry in its modern form is an applied ethics approach that uses case-based reasoning to achieve ethical convergence from pluralistic stakeholders in the form of expert opinions in paradigm cases. The general but variant ethical decisions can be revised with later cases. This anti-theory has emerged in bioethics as one of the most influential alternative approaches to traditional ethics theories and religious ethics. Drawing from its classical form in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, modern casuistry was developed to answer the need in 1960s’ emerging bioethics for providing ethical decisions and policies for a secular, diverse population. Casuistry in a global context is analyzed for its own strengths and weaknesses and then those facets on an international stage particularly from the context of market pressures and pluralism.


For more information, visit: Springer.com