February 21-23, 2018
International conference on Multiculturalism and interreligious perspective on informed consent
The UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights will hold its 6th international Bioethics, multiculturalism and religion workshop to discuss issues of informed consent and clinical research February 21-23. As part of the i-Consent consortium (a project funded by the European Union – Horizon 2020), the ethical reflections of the workshop will focus on the multicultural and interdisciplinary dimension of the ethical requirements of informed consent applied to transnational / clinical research and vaccination.religion often is not been able to offer an adequate response.

“ Informed Consent in Clinical research: Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Perspectives “
Editors: Alberto Garcia, Mirko Garasic
Publisher: Studia Bioethica
Year: 2019
Link: Riviste UPRA