By Julaw

The Center for Advanced Studies in Medical Education and Training (CEDUMED) and the Center for the Study of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences (CEJES), with support from the Center for the Study of Public Law, all from the Agostinho Neto University Angola, and the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights offer the Conference “Bioethics in Times of Covid-19” taking place on April 7, 2021 , commemorating World Health Day, under the motto “Covid-19: doing well, doing good!” .

The World Health Organization declares 2021 as the “International Year of Health Workers and Caregivers” and devotes World Health Day 2021 to the motto “Building a fairer and healthier world” ( / world-health-day / 2021 ).

The Conference will have as its motto “Covid-19: to do good, to do good!” meaning that the fight against the pandemic and the assistance to people faces the double and inseparable challenge of acting in accordance with the best evidence and good practices (health services of scientific, technical and organizational quality) and, at the same time, be guided by principles, values ​​and actions in accordance with ethics and morals.

The Conference will include communications by invited national and international scientists, namely from partner institutions of the Organizing Centers, transmitted by online video conference and YouTube, on April 7, 2021.

After the event, the “Conference Proceedings” will be published, a scientific-technical book with an ISBN collecting the full text of the various interventions and communications that will be published digitally and, if possible, in a limited number of printed copies.

The Conference will have an Honor Committee, Organizing Committee, Scientific Committee and Secretariat.

Honor Commission

Professor Maria do Rosário Bragança (Minister of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation of the Republic of Angola)

Professor Dr. Sílvia Lutucuta (Minister of Health of the Republic of Angola)

Professor Maria Cecília Lorea Leite (Associate Professor at the Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil)

Professor Doctor Filomeno Fortes (Director of the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine of Lisbon)  

Professor Doctor Volnei Bottle (University of Brasilia, Brazil)

Organizing committee

Full Professor Pedro Magalhães (Magnificent Rector of the Agostinho Neto University)

Full Professor Mário Fresta (Director of the Medical Education Center – CEDUMED-UAN)

Full Professor José Octávio Serra Van-Dúnem (Director of the Center for Economic and Social Legal Studies – CEJES-UAN)

Dr. Arlindo Isabel (Director of the UAN’s Office of Scientific Information and Documentation)

Professor Carlos Keta (CEJES-UAN)

Scientific Committee (appreciates abstracts and communications)

Full Professor Raúl Araújo (Director of the Center for the Study of Public Law and Legal and Political Sciences – CEDP-UAN)

Professor Gabriel Cornell (University of Brasilia, Brazil).

Doctor Carlos Tuti (CEDUMED / UAN)


2pm – Opening Session (Angola time)

2:30 pm – Law versus bioethics in times of pandemic. What challenges?

3pm – Bioethics in clinical research in Covid: disruptions, adaptations and lessons.

3:30 pm – Covid-19 and vaccines – universal versus market access.

4pm – Global Bioethics and Human Rights for Sustainable Development.

Alberto García Gómez |  UNESCO Chiar in Bioethics and Human Rights.  Rome.  Italy -
ALBERTO GARCÍA GÓMEZ – PhD in Law from the Complutense University; Full Professor at the School of Bioethics of the Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum in Rome; Researcher at the Human Rights Institute of the Complutense University and Director of the Chair of Bioethics and Human Rights in Rome .

4:30 pm – Experience of the National Bioethics Council for Public Health of Mozambique after COVID-19 .

Professor João Schwalbach - LUSOAFRO BIOETHICS
JOÃO FERNANDO LIMA SCHWALBACH – Doctor of Medicine; President of the Mozambican Public Health Association; President of the National Commission on Bioethics for Public Health of Mozambique and Coordinator of the LusoAfro-Bioethics Project. Strengthening of Bioethics Commissions in the Lusophone Region of Africa.

5pm – Integral Ecology and Health of Migrant Workers.

Padre Antônio Lemos, LC - YouTube
Father ANTÔNIO LEMOS – Master in Moral Theology by the Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum of Rome; Priest of the Legionaries of Christ and Interpreter.

5:30 pm – National Bioethics Advisory Council in Covid-19 time.

6:00 pm – Bioethical Challenges in the Technological Society.

6:30 pm – Bioethical Challenges, Problems and Dilemmas in Covid-19 Times.

7pm – End of the event.



Link to the event:

ID: 842 1761 5588 | Password: 680 754



Dr. Hélder Francisco (CEDUMED / UAN)

Dr. Adilson Felgueiras (CEJES / UAN)

Dr.ª Gileade Mandavela (CEJES / UAN)

Institutional Support

Center for the Study of Public Law and Legal and Political Sciences of the Agostinho Neto University

Sponsorship (technical support, dissemination and YouTube transmission)

Digital Legal Magazine – JuLaw (

