We intend to enhance the knowledge of teachers in practical innovative methodologies implemented in other centers that contribute to the development of digital competencies of students, as well as learning to plan sports and cultural activities to involve and reduce absenteeism among younger students, enhancing group membership and group cohesion.

We also want to learn multicultural ways of working that favor the social and cultural inclusion of students and develop skills and abilities that allow them to acquire basic competencies.

On the other hand, we believe that participating in a European project in which teachers and students are given the opportunity to travel to other European countries and learn about other ways of working and other cultures can provide the center with an extra motivation for work, participation and enthusiasm that leads to a review and continuous improvement of the teaching-learning process.

The partners in the TransFORMANDOnos project are:

CEPA Joaquín Sorolla (Project Leader)

BIDA and V. Kultur und Bildung en Suhl (Alemania)
4th Provincial Center for Adult Education of Rome and Lazio (Italy)
Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in Rome (Italy)


In the presented project we have planned two learning-by-observation activities. One of them to Suhl in Germany and the other to Rome in Italy. The work they do focused on integration and cultural exchange through different disciplines such as art, sports or new technologies will help the visiting teachers to transfer to our center all the information gathered to implement these educational practices.

We will also carry out two group mobilities of adult students to Rome in Italy and to Veliko Tarnovo in Bulgaria. With these mobilities we will promote cooperation and coexistence among students from different countries, language learning, knowledge of cultural and historical heritage of the host countries and belonging to the EU.

Finally, we will celebrate an Intercultural Conference with a multitude of activities that will be attended by expert teachers from each of the collaborating countries, which will help us to implement innovative methodologies to our center.


  • September 29, 2021: We are approved and awarded the project “TransFORMANOnos” according to the Resolution publishing the lists of selected, rejected and excluded applications for Key Action 1 – Educational mobility of people (KA121, KA122, KA131) and Erasmus Accreditation for Higher Education Mobility Consortia (KA130), corresponding to the Call for Proposals of the Erasmus+ 2021 program.
  • December 2, 2021: Signing of the Erasmus+ Agreement December 9, 2021: Creation of Infopoint Erasmus+ in CEPA Joaquín Sorolla December 20, 2021: Celebration of the event of Presentation and Start of our Erasmus+ Project “TransFORMANDOnos” with the confirmed attendance of important personalities of the Administration and collaboration with the European Union.
  • April 19, 2022: Presentation of the project at the Real Casa de Postas de Madrid. CEPA Joaquín Sorolla has participated in the Presentation of the European Projects of Direct Management of the Madrid entities of the third sector, which have had the support of the Madrid Advisory Service for European Programs (sMape). Among other personalities, we have counted with the assistance of the Counselor of Presidency, Justice and Interior, Mr. Enrique López López, and Mr. José Francisco Herrera, General Director of Cooperation with the State and the European Union.
  • From May 1 to 7, 2022: Observation learning visit to Suhl (Germany) by two teachers from CEPA Joaquín Sorolla.
  • From July 4 to 10, 2022: Observation learning visit to Rome (Italy), to the Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum by two teachers from CEPA Joaquín Sorolla.
  • February 2023: Mobility of students to Rome (Italy).
  • April 2023: Visit to Madrid, to CEPA Joaquín Sorolla, of 8 European guest experts. Celebration of Intercultural Days and closing of the project.


We hope that the participation of our center in this project will mean a before and after in aspects related to the spatial-temporal organization of teaching, with a methodological change in the teaching-learning process using new technologies to develop digital skills of teachers and students and that these actions will lead to a reduction in absenteeism of younger students. We also want to innovate and learn methods of integration of different cultures.

On the other hand, we hope to motivate students to learn languages, help them gain confidence and independence, get to know and relate to other cultures and develop a sense of belonging to the European Union.

As a final goal, we intend to establish bonds of union and collaboration with the host institutions that will last over time and that will serve to improve the quality of the service we provide to our students.