On May 30-31, La Red Internacional de Universidades (RIU) organized two days of meeting and exchange of ideas among faculty and researchers from the universities that are part of the network. The University participated with two projects of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights (Faculty of Bioethics) respectively Bioethics and Global Art and Bioethics, Multiculturalism and Religion, and the Interdisciplinary Group on Neurobioethics.

During the meeting, Dean of the Faculty of Bioethics Prof. Alberto Garcia presented the Bioaesthetics Research Group, which has been making valuable contributions to research on issues related to bioethics interpreted through art expressions since 2016. Prof. P. Joseph Tham, LC, Full Professor of the Faculty of Bioethics and Prof. Alberto Garcia also shared the Bioethics Multiculturalism and Religion Project, which since 2009 has been committed to creating forums for discussion with leading experts in religions and cultures to compare various topical issues in light of the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights (2005). Finally, Prof. P. Alberto Carrara, LC, Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy and Director of the Neurobioethics Group presented the Research that the Interdisciplinary Group has been carrying out since 2009.

Look through the magazine (in Spanish) to learn about the other hundreds of professors and researchers who participated and made contributions.

Read the dedicated article with the complete collection of photos and videos from the two days.