In preparation for the 20th session of the International Bioethics Committee in Seoul (Korea) this June 19th to 21st, 2013, UNESCO has released a short film on the new risks of discrimination in the field of biomedicine.

The diverse themes of biobanks, access to medicinal drugs, transplant and organ trafficking, neuroscience, HIV/AIDS and nanotechnologies are considered in light of the principle of non-discrimination and non-stigmatization as enumerated in Article 11 of the 2005 Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights.  The IBC will likely publish a report on these issues at the conclusion of its upcoming meeting.

The UNESCO Chair of Bioethics and Human Rights founded in 2009 at University of Europe in Rome is honored to join 10 other UNESCO chairs of bioethics in the celebration of 20 years of bioethics at UNESCO.

Click here to watch the video.