The School of Medicine of the Anahuac University of Mayab in Mexico was recently proud to announce its new Diploma in Bioethics in cooperation with the Rome-based UNESCO Chair of Bioethics and Human Rights.

The course, beginning in November 2012, offers a bioethics program unique to the southeast of Mexico and is the first fruit of a new partnership with UNESCO Chair. The 100-hour intensive course introduces students to the chief bioethical issues that will empower professionals to apply sound ethical judgments in fields as diverse as Medicine, Psychology, Dentistry, Nursing, Nutrition, Social Work and Family Sciences.

The main topics of the course are as follows:

  1. Fundamentals of Bioethics
  2. Bioethics and Sexuality
  3. Bioethics and the Beginning of Life
  4. Current Themes of Bioethics
  5. Bioethics and End of Life Issues

UNESCO Chair Director, Dr. Alberto García Gómez, noted that this diploma is especially relevant to those who seek to uphold the dignity of the human being in a world of in which scientific experimentation with human embryos and cloning are no longer merely the subjects of science fiction.

Drs. Eguiluz Manuel Echeverria, director of the School of Medicine and Eduardo Espinosa Macin, graduate coordinator of the same school, together with Prof. Achach Marisol Solis, coordinator of the Office of International Relations at the Anahuac Mayab, worked to ensure that the program would be associated with the Rome-based Chair, one of the 13 UNESCO chairs in the world devoted to Bioethics.UAP_bioethics

The UNESCO Chair has actively promoted similar diploma programs in Mexico City, Houston, Texas and Luanda, Angola. The Chair has also sponsored intensive summer courses, such as the 2012 program ¨Neurobioethics: The Human Person at the center of Neuroscience, Ethics, Law and Society¨held in Rome.

For more information on the diploma, you may email or call 942-4800 ext. 679.