The organizers of the III World Congress of Transdisciplinary Virtual, the Centre International de Recherches et Études Transdisciplinaires (CIRET-FRANCE), the National School of Anthropology and History (ENAH/INAH-MEXICO), the UNESCO Transdisciplinary Chair on “Human Development and Culture of Peace”, University of Florence (UTC-ITALY), the Transdisciplinary Education Centre (CETRANS-BRAZIL) realize this world event of great importance to humanity, which will take place from October 30, 2020, until September 17, 2021.

This Virtual Congress is part of the III World Congress Face-to-Face Transdisciplinarity, to be held November 2-6, 2021 in Mexico City, with presentations, round tables, symposiums, cultural and artistic activities, can be found on their website. On this site, there are the forms of registration and inscription, for the two virtual and face-to-face modalities, as well as important information.

Our UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights is part of the the Congressional CTU-Italy Committee lead by the University of Florence and will contribute participating in the RELATIONAL INTELLIGENCE OF THE SPECIES of the 21st Century, III week of conferences, during which our Chair Holder, Prof. Alberto Garcia will moderate the round table entitled “Bioethical challenges of artificial intelligence for a sustainable development respectful of human rights.” The round table will be held on March 24th 2021.

Download the program in Italian