By Yvonne Denbina

As our world changes daily, our technology changes with it by leaps and bounds. How is the human body affected by these technological advances and what effects will our children experience as a result? Is everything beneficial? Shouldn’t we take time and energy to consider pros and cons? Our lives depend on making sure that we safely engineer the components of what we ingest, wear, use and surround ourselves with. Our lives, the lives of others and our future progeny deserve compassion, care, and love in how we implement improvements and technological advances for ourselves and others. Our sciences, laws, religions, social and cultural attitudes should weigh the consideration of ethics in our lives and of those to come. 

Art is the voice and vision of our world. You, Artist, add your vision, write your statement! Make a ripple by creating an image that will be viewed and contemplated by many! Be part of the heartbeat that makes a sound about caring.