The Judges of the Second Competition

Carlos Araujo   has a degree in Engineering. He is a self taught painter who strives to capture the human essence in his paintings in a gauzy abstraction. Araujo moves the viewer to a higher spiritual plane through his art. He has exhibited in South America, Panama, Rio de Janeiro, and Paris. 

Dr. Dominic Man-Kit Lam  is a Biotechnologist, artist, and inventor. He obtained a PhD in Medical Biophysics from the Harvard Medical School for postdoctoral training in Toronto at age 22. From 1977 to 1993, he was professor of Biotechnology, Cell Biology and Ophthalmology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. Additionally, he is Founding Director of Baylor Center for Biotechnology. Dr. Lam invented “Chromoskedasic Painting” or “NanoArt” and is Chairman of Arts Promotion Committee of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.

Dr. Colleen Gallagher, PhD, LSW, FACHE, Throughout her career Dr. Gallagher has worked as a social worker and program director for programs serving the mentally ill and their families, persons with HIV/AIDS, and the bereaved and other vulnerable populations. As an artist, she creates watercolor paintings, and has an interest in photography and quilting (including design).  She has received Doctoral degrees in Bioethics In Health Care Professions and Social Work from The Union Institute and University, Cincinnati, Ohio; Ethics Fellowship from Georgetown University, in Washington, DC. Dr. Gallagher is the Chief and Executive Director of the Section of Integrated Ethics in Cancer Care, and an Associate Professor, in the Department of Critical Care at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas.  She is the International Ethics Expert for the UNESCO Chair in Science and Technology; The International Ethics Expert for the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights; Co-Chair, Clinical Ethics Consultation Affairs Standing Committee, American Society of Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH).

Dr. Mary-Claire King is a geneticist and professor at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA.  Dr. King’s major accomplishments include identifying breast cancer genes, demonstrating that humans and chimpanzees are 99% genetically identical, and applying genetic sequencing to identify victims of human rights abuses. She has worked with numerous human rights organizations, such as Physicians for Human rights and Amnesty International, to identify missing people in Latin American countries, Haiti, Rwanda, the Balkans, and the Philippines. King’s lab has also provided DNA identification for the U.S. Army, the United Nations, and the U.N.’s war crimes tribunals.

Yechiel Michael Barilan is a practicing physician, specialist in internal medicine, and Associate Professor of Medical Education in the Sackler Faculty of Medicine at the Tel Aviv University.

Dr. José Cosme  is Department Head of Universidad Católica of Valencia, and President of the Real y Pontificia Archicofradía of Christ our Savior in Valencia, Spain. He is also Chapter President of the Vatican Foundation Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice of Valencia.  Dr. Cosme is also General Director of Artfacts Group Technical Industries (China-Europe), Subsidiary of the Industrial ITO-SIN (Shanghai), Council Member ISEA – Institute Superior de Estudios Artísticos, Fine Arts Institute Member of Bellas Artes Academy of Valencia and Department Head at the Universidad Católica de Valencia with IVAM for the Lecture Series “Art and Technology – Latin American Art.”

Dr. Kan Tai-keung, is a world-renowned designer and artist. Dr. Kan has earned numerous awards as an artist including the Gold Award in Mercury Award and Grand Winner of Galaxy Awards. He is now the Dean of the Cheung Kong School of Art and Design at Shantou University. He is also a Fellow Member of Hong Kong Designers Association, Member of Alliance Graphique Internationale, Advisor of the Leisure & Cultural Services Department, and Honorary Advisor of Hong Kong Museum of Art. In 2005, Kan was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Design in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dr. Kan’s significant contributions in design have won him a distinguished position in the world of art.

Christopher Stevens is a Professor of Art at Lone Star College.  He has Bachelor’s Degrees in Studio Art, English and Classics, and a Master’s degree in painting and sculpture, and a  Graduate Certification in Secondary Education. He has museum, theater, education and art teaching experience. His background in art includes teaching drawing and painting, installation and display of exhibitions, architectural model building and stagecraft. Mr. Stevens has also taught English and writing at the college level and secondary education level, as well as a wide variety of subjects to students from the elementary level to adult education.

Dr. Vivian Taam Wong is a Director of  Daydream Nation, a Fashion Arts House celebrated for its cross-disciplinary collaboration with other art forms including theatre, dance, music, film and visual arts.  It’s flagship stores at the Arts Centre and K11 in Hong Kong, feature the work of local artists, and run a program of creative workshops and events.  The artists, Kay and Jing, with their inspired designs and whimsical spirit, have received awards such as Vogue Italia’s ‘Vogue Talent 2010’; Hong Kong’s Ten Outstanding Designers Award 2009, 2011; Perspective/Cierre Italia’s ‘40 under 40’ Design Award, 2009; and White Milan’s ‘Womanswear Inside White Award’, 2008. Vivian is also Chairman of Friends of the Earth HK, which has a vision to become a leading environmental advocate for a sustainable future, offering ethical solutions to help create environmentally sustainable public policies, business practices and community lifestyles.  As a former Public Health Specialist in Population Health & Nutrition at The World Bank, she advocates social justice through daily practice from innovation to implementation.

Roberto Bilotti Ruggi D’Aragona is a member of the Scientific Comittee of the Bilotti Museum of the Aranciera of Villa Borghese in Rome. He is the founder and director of the MAB of Cosenza.