International Conference on Bioethical Challenges in Neurogenomics from an Interreligious and Multicultural Perspective

November 14-16, 2016


International Conference: Bioethical Challenges in Neurogenomics from an Interreligious and Multicultural Perspective 

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center was the host of the Fifth International Bioethics, Multiculturalism, and Religion Workshop and Conference. During three days Bioethical thought leaders from six major religions and ten countries gathered to analyze and discuss the “Bioethical Challenges in Neurogenomics from an Interreligious and Multicultural Perspective.”


“Interreligious Perspectives on Mind, Genes and the Self

Editors: Joseph Tham, Chris Durante, Alberto García Gómez

Publisher: Routledge

Year: 2018



“Sfide Bioetiche in Neurogenomica da una Prospettiva Interreligiosa e Multiculturale”

Editors: Fr. Alberto Carrara; Fr. Joseph Tham …

Publisher: Studia Bioethica

Year: 2017

Link: Riviste UPRA

Bioethics Art Exhibition – Houston 2016

During the days of the workshop and conference events, the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights will have an art exhibition of the winning artworks of our Bioethics Art Competition from 2011 (1st edition) and 2013 (2nd edition). We´ll also exhibit the winners of the 2015 (3rd edition) competition that began in February 2015 inviting participating artists to “express the gift of healing: body, mind and spirit”.

These 2011 and 2013 art exhibits were very successfully showed in several art venues and institutions: in the United States (at the UN Headquaters in New York and in Houston, Texas), in Rome, Hong Kong and Mexico City. These art exhibits  are a related cultural activity and a medium to illustrate universal values related to bioethics in the light of human rights. The mission of this competition as well as the themes and pictures of these works of art can be found at:

This art exhibit will open with a public ceremony to open to explain the works of art in order to involve talented students and scholars of the next edition of the competition that is tentatively scheduled to be launched December 2016 (theme to be announced) with a deadline for artists of June 2017

International Conference on Religious Perspectives on Human Rights in Bioethics

December 3-5, 2013

Honk Kong

International Conference on Religious Perspectives on Human Rights in Bioethics

“The conference provided a broad platform for various religious approaches to the issue of human rights and to bioethics in general.  I was also impressed with the scholarship of my colleagues in Hong Kong.” noted Dr. Henk ten Have, Director of the Center for Healthcare Ethics at Duquesne University.


“Religious Perspectives on Bioethics and Human Rights”

Editors: Fr. Joseph Tham, Kai Man Kwan, Alberto García Gómez

Publisher: Springer

Year: 2017


Religious Perspectives on Bioethics and Human Rights book presentation


Prospettive religiose sui diritti umani nella bioetica

Editors: Fr. Joseph Tham; Fernando Fabò; Alberto Maria Gambino…

Publisher: Studia Bioethica

Year: 2014

Link: Riviste UPRA

International Conference on Human Vulnerability

October 9-11, 2011


International Conference on Human Vulnerability 

With the advance of biomedicine, certain individuals and groups are vulnerable because of their incapacities to defend themselves.  Many world religions include the protection of the weak, underprivileged and the poor as part of their mission.


“Religious Perspectives on Human Vulnerability in Bioethics” 

Editors: Fr. Joseph Tham; Alberto Garcia Gomez; Gonzalo Miranda L.C. …

Publisher: Springer Press

Year: 2015



Il Principio di Vulnerabilità nelle Religioni

Editors: Fr. Joseph Tham; Fr. Gonzalo Miranda; Josè Antonio Izquierdo …

Publisher: Studia Bioethica

Year: 2011

Link: Riviste UPRA