Leave No One Behind: Launch of 2019 GEM Report UNESCO

On Tuesday November 27th, the Global Education Monitoring Report on Migration, Displacement and Education was launched at Accademia dei Lincei in Rome. The event was hosted by UNESCO and opened a window on the education for migrants and refugee by analyzing what have been done by governments until now. Ministers, academics, civil society, youth and UNESCO Chairs were present during the launching of the report; among them Franco Bernabè, President of the Italian National Commission of UNESCO; Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO; Anna Cristina D’Addio, Senior Policy Analyst GEM Report, Fr. Fabio Baggio, Under-Secretary, Migrant and Refugees Section, Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development.  For our UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights, it was a moment of sharing the mutual principles on equal education in developed and developing countries.

The 2019 GEM report focuses on “presenting evidence on the implication of different types of migration and displacement for education but also the impact that reforming the curricula, pedagogy and teacher preparation can have on embracing diversity,” Stefania Giannini.  This report serves as a guide for teachers and governments to determine education objectives for future multicultural generations.

Franco Bernabè opened the discussions claiming that “in order to have social development it is crucial not to build walls but bridges,” rephrasing and broadening the subtitle of the report. The encounter of different cultures is what is needed to increase our societies.

Since our societies are becoming more multicultural, it is fundamental that our teachers are well prepared to communicate and teach children from different backgrounds. It is important to underline that the language used to study and to communicate are not the same.

Indeed, within the 2019 GEM Report are listed seven recommendations, which the main are the following: 1) teachers should receive more support to satisfy the quantity of roles and tasks that they are called to achieve to educate migrants and refugees. 2) Other Italian cities should look at some inclusive activities already established, for example, in Milan and Turin. 3) Governments should insist more on gathering data to estimate better the dimension of migration within their country.

Anna Cristina D’Addio also emphasized the importance of increasing trainings for teachers: “it is relevant that they have the right workflow tools to make these kids, the new generations part of our communities.” Often teachers do not feel supported and well prepared to work in a multicultural environment. According to a survey done in France, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Spain and United Kingdom, teachers agreed that adjusting the new requests in favor of migrants’ education brought much work and caused frustration due to the lack of support.

The second part of the conference was dedicated to discussions and opened questions. Eugenio Bruno of il Sole 24 Ore, chaired two round tables pointing out interesting arguments around the launching of the report. First, he asked to Fr. Fabio Baggio the Vatican point of view of the situation of migrants’ education, which should be based on the development of centered education.  Mario Giro (Former Deputy Minister and Community of Sant ’Egidio), quite surprised, commented that finally UNESCO focused its research not only on the safeguarding of cultural heritage but also on education. Prof. Livi Bacci (University of Florence), on the other hand, introduceed the concepts of the Global Compact and its repercussion on Italian politics. Finally, Prof. Alberto Melloni (UNESCO Chair for Religious Pluralism and Peace), commented that the matter to migration (not an issue) linked to the religious aspects is not well considered in Italy.

Anna Cristina D’Addio welcomed representatives of international organizations such UNHCR, IOM, and Save the Children in the second round table. Ana de Vega, Paola Alvarez, and Francesca Bocchino discussed the difficulties of accessing the education not only for children but also for adults. Often migrants are collocated in different classes increasing the number of migrants that leave education at early stages. Another factor that pushes away people from education is the bureaucracy and its complex procedures, problems which the 2019 GEM Report is committed to change and improve.

As a UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights that promotes bioethical and human rights principles based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it was illuminating being present during the launching of the 2019 GEM Report and contributing with our activities and mission. In this context it is important to underline the constant work that our UNESCO Chair has been doing through the project EUROSOL and CivicAL to improve and understand the nature of migration flow.

Civic Dimensions for Social Inclusion – CivicAL

Civic Dimensions for Social Inclusion – CivicAL

Follow the Official Facebook Page @Civicalproject 

The UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights for the last year has been involved and active in raising awareness of the situation of migrants and refugees in Europe, specifically in Italy. Within the project European Citizens for Solidarity (EUROSOL), co-funded by the Europe for Citizens programme of the European Union, the UNESCO Chair was committed to overcome the misconceptions regarding migrants and refugees in Italy by organizing a debate on  “Human Dignity and Human Rights of Refugees”.

As a continuation of this project, the UNESCO Chair has signed an agreement to participate in Civic Dimensions for Social Inclusion (CivicAL) project within the Erasmus + programme coordinated by the Altius Francisco de Vitoria Foundation, Spain. The aim of this project, which started in October 2018 and will end in September 2020, is to give to migrant and refugee adults access to civic education to integrate more fully into the community. In other words, CivicAL is responding to the increasing demands of the European Union (EU) to be a large family of multiethnic and multicultural societies, to witness in each state to a growing diversity due to the migration flows where a national cultural identity is compatible with a European identity.

While much has been done, the level of knowledge of the EU, its policies and institutions, is not enough. This is particularly valid for adults in disadvantaged situations, such as those who are migrants, of an ethnic minority background, refugees and recently arrived migrants. The current proposal will address the gap in civic education for adults in disadvantaged situation in six EU countries. The consortium is composed of Bulgaria, Cyprus, Germany, Italy, Romania, and Spain from different public and private sectors. In two years, the consortium is going to develop the Trainer’s Manual entitled “Civic Education for Disadvantaged Learners” and the EU citizenship game, both translated into six EU languages.

The UNESCO Chair team involved in this project will be focused on:

  • Organizing the kick off meeting;
  • Developing unit 3 of the manual: EU citizens’ rights and responsibilities;
  • Developing level 2 of the game: Learn the citizens’ rights and responsibilities
  • Organizing Regional CivicAL Forum to disseminate the development CivicAL output, tested and available for free use by the project targets.
  • Opening and managing Facebook Group.

Moreover, to facilitate the aforementioned project, the UNESCO Chair will also provide a Code of Ethics to guide the work of the consortium.

“As Professor of Philosophy of Law, International Law, and Chairholder of UNESCO Chair, I granted the request to participate in CivicAL project, because I think it is fundamental to understand that on one hand migrants’ rights need to be respected, and on the other, migrants have their responsibilities towards the host countries. Education is a pillar in the existence of a person, a tool that frees minds and gives access to opportunities. As a UNESCO Chair, which seeks to Foster the Art of Convergence and Cooperation in Global Ethics, in EU, it is our duty to provide education tools to migrants, but it is also their responsibility to be committed to it.” Alberto Garcia, Chairholder of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights.


Neurobioethics Masterclass NEUROBIOETHICS AND ROBOETHICS – II edition 2018-2019

Neurobioethics Masterclass




The interdisciplinary research group in Neurobioetica (GdN) of the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum (APRA) in Rome, based upon neuroscientific research and emerging applications to the human being of neuro-technologies, will dedicate much of its reflection, research, publication, and training of the year 2018-2019 to a detailed critical study of the progressive hybridization of humanity and technology. The development of robotics, artificial intelligence, and the multiple applications of  human enhancement require today’s men and women to increase their knowledge in order to decide consciously the direction to give to neuro-technology progress.

This second Neurobioethics advanced course ‘Neurobioethics and Roboethics’ will reap the benefits of the interdisciplinary reflection of the GdN. It will be possible to attend the course both online and in person. After the first edition of ‘Neurobioethics and Transhumanism’ dedicated to the Human Head Transplantation and following the second summer week of Bioethics on human enhancement (Human Enhancement, 9-13 luglio 2018), from September 2018 to June 2019, the GdN offers a series of 10 seminars, roundtables, and March’s Brain Awareness Week conference (promoted by DANA Foundation). These meetings will explore the technological, neuroscientific, psychiatric, psychological, philosophical, theological, legislative, bioethics aspects of the progressive hybridization of humanity and technology and the multiple applications of human enhancement, with particular attention to the anthropological, ethics, legal, sanitary, and social consequences for human life.

A special emphasis will be also be given to issues related to the principles ratified by The Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights of UNESCO 2005. The program will thus address themes regarding the limit, dignity, identity, and value of the human body.

Promoted by:

School of Bioethics

UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights

Institute of Science and Faith



the course consists in a monthly gathering of two hours (seminars or roundtables) from Friday 21/09/2018 to Friday 21/06/2019.

Data, times, and classrooms are the following:

  • 21/09/2018, 17-19:00, auditorium (2° floor)
  • 26/10/2018, 17-19:00, Tesi classroom (1° floor)
  • 23/11/2018, 17-19:00, auditorium (2° floor)
  • 14/12/2018, 17-19:00, Tesi classroom (1° floor)
  • 25/01/2019, 17-19:00, Tesi classroom (1° floor)
  • 22/02/2019, 17-19:00, Tesi classroom (1° floor)
  • 15/03/2019, Brain Awareness Week, 15-19:00, Master classroom (1°     floor)
  • 20/03/2019, 10° anniversario GdN, 17-19:00, Master classroom (1° floor)
  • 22/03/2019, 17-19:00, Tesi classroom (1° floor)
  • 26/04/2019, 17-19:00, auditorium (2° floor)
  • 24/05/2019, 17-19:00, Tesi classroom (1° floor)
  • 21/06/2019, 17-19:00, Tesi classroom (1° floor)


Specific experts and speakers will explain the technological aspects about robotics and neuroscience. They will also address the psychiatric, psychological, philosophical, theological, legislative, socio-political, and bioethics dimensions of the progressive hybridization of humanity and technology and human enhancement.


The course is addressed to all those who want to be aware of the development and application of the emerging technologies in human enhancement, in particular: politicians, engineers, doctors, bioethicists, philosophers, theologians, teachers, and trainers. A certificate and 3 ECTS will be awarded to registered students at the end of the course, and after the evaluation of the written work of summary.


The whole subscription fee for the course is €350.

Registration deadline: 20/10/2018

Coordinator of the course: Prof. P. Alberto Carrara, L.C.

Tel: +39 06 916891

EMAIL: info.bioetica@upra.org


Prof. P. Alberto Carrara, L.C.


Tel: 329/9157494

Video – Extracts from “Multiculturalism and Interreligious Perspective on Informed Consent” Workshop


The UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights hold its 6th international Bioethics, multiculturalism and religion workshop to discuss issues of informed consent and clinical research on February 21-23. As part of the i-Consent consortium (a project funded by the European Union – Horizon 2020), the ethical reflections of the workshop focused on the multicultural and interdisciplinary dimension of the ethical requirements of informed consent applied to transnational / clinical research and vaccination.



First Interdisciplinary Neuroethics Diploma Course

1st Interdisciplinary Neuroethics Diploma Course

Anáhuac México Norte University and the Bioética Clínica y Neuroética Anáhuac (BINCA) in collaboration  with UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights, Faith and Science Institute, The Interdisciplinary Research Group in Neurobiothics (GdN), and with the support of Faculty of Education, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Psychology, and Faculty of Bioethics is launching the1st Interdisciplinary Neuroethics Diploma Course. This course will be available in English and in Spanish. You can take it from any part of the world and attend to the live lectures.


To give basic knowledge to the students about what is neuroethics, from an interdisciplinary perspective that allows appreciation of its neuroscientific and philosophic identities. From this, the course should make evident problems and novelties arising in diverse knowledge domains, at the philosophic and practical level. Likewise, we aim to prompt connections and interdisciplinary dialogue among the professors for the course’s benefit and the ignition of future collaborations. For further information read the detailed program following this link.

Start: 1st September 2018

Duration: 100 hours 

For further information and application: mariel.kalkach@anahuac.mx or yael.zoneszainl@anahuac.mx

