
Doctor in Law from Complutense University in Madrid. Presently, he is Professor of Philosophy of Law and International Law at the School of Bioethics of Athenaeum Pontificium Regina Apostolorum in Rome. Furthermore, he is a researcher at the Human Rights Institute at Complutense University of Madrid. For 5 years he has been member of the Steering Committee of Bioethics in the Council of Europe and in 2005 he was honoured with the National Prize of the Spanish Royal Academy of Doctors in the field of legal and social sciences. See Curriculum Vitae EnglishGlobal Ethics Observatory database.

Lawyer, Doctorate in Law, Complutense University of Madrid. Expert in Administrative Law, Family Law and Health Promotion and Human Development. Researcher in Bioethics and Biolaw, PhD in Bioethics, New Granada Military University, Bogotá, Colombia. She has studies in Basic Sciences at University Mayor College of Cundinamarca. Specialization in Bioethics and member of the Clinical Ethics Committee of the University of La Sabana. She has written important works and articles in indexed journals of Colciencias in the field of bioethics and Biolaw: “Biomedicine and Biotechnology before prenatal violence: Legislation compared to Spanish law” and “Bioethics Dilemmas of Genetics” (collaborative book). Guest lecturer at different universities in Spain. Legislative Advisor to the Congress of Colombia. She has received important academic and state recognition in the field of bioethics, bio-medicine and human rights. Director of the Ethical and Bioethical Committee of the Fundación Cultura de la Vida Humana, where she is also Director of Social Projection.

Corresponding member of the “Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Spain”. Madrid, Section of “philosophy of law”. Professor at Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid. Doctor of Law (cum laude) at Complutense University of Madrid, Department of Philosophy of law, Morals and Politics. Title of thesis: The rights of man in the thinking of E. levinas”. Doctor of Philosophy and Educational Studies (cum laude) at Complutense University of Madrid, Department of hermeneutics, history of philosophy and philosophy of history. Title of thesis: “Art and law: its encounter in philosophy”. French academic degree (D.E.A: diplôme d’etudes approfondies [diploma of advanced studies]) in philosophy/ethics, University of Sorbonne, Paris. Academic degree in philosophy and educational Studies, Faculty of philosophy. Complutense University of Madrid. Graduated in law, School of Law, Complutense University of Madrid. Founding member of the Spanish Association of Personalism. Secretary of the AEDOS (Aesthetics chapter) and Member of the Board of Directors of Acción Social Empresarial.

Doctor in Law, Complutense University of Madrid, Master in Philosophy at Francisco de Vitoria University. Specialist in Bioethics at Università Sacro Cuore, Rome. Full time and ACAP Madrid accredited professor at University Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) and visiting professor at Francisco de Vitoria University. He holds the Quality Assessment of the University Teaching Staff by ACAP Madrid (Agency of Quality and Prospective of the Community of Madrid) in the categories of: Contracted Professor Doctor and Professor of Private University. He has been involved in IUVE Foundation (Madrid 1992-1998) as Project Director, Director of Training, responsible for the organization of congresses, cultural, youth and university activities. President of IUVE (Madrid, 1996-1998). Coordinator of the area of law in the Doctorate of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Biolaw in Madrid (2003-2007), Director of the Doctoral Program in Bioethics URJC–CEU S. Paul University (2010-13), Director of the Master Program in Bioethics at URJC (2010-15), President of the Quality Assurance Committee of the University Master Program in Bioethics (2010-2015), Member of the Doctorate and Third Cycle Commission in the Department of Educational Sciences, Language, Culture and the Arts at URJC (2011-14).

Professor of Anthropology at the CEU San Pablo University, Madrid, and a member of the «Ángel Ayala» Institute of Humanities, accredited by ACAP. PhD in Philosophy from Complutense University of Madrid, with a thesis dedicated to the teaching of Ethics through Aesthetics. Bachelor of Philosophy and Educational Studiess from the same University. He is also a Senior Advertising Technician for the European Institute of Higher Education and has a Postgraduate degree in Digital Marketing at the Business School of Barcelona. He has taught Science subjects (Astronomy and Ecology) and Philosophical subjects (Ethics, Anthropology) at the San Pablo CEU University). He is Professor at the School of Humanities «Juan de Ávila» where he teaches courses in Ethics and Aesthetics and do research on information technologies, ethics and bioethics. He has been Professor of Ethics, in the Master of Bioethics at the Rey Juan Carlos University, in the COPE Master’s Degree in Radio, and in Coeducation in the Master of Equal Opportunities Agents at the CEU Cardenal Herrera University of Valencia. He has been coordinator of the Leadership Program of the CEU San Pablo University and directs projects related to the future of the University and to information technologies, marketing and advertising.

Doctor of Law from the Universities of Buenos Aires (1991) and Paris XII (1994). Between 1999 and 2005 he led several research projects on bioethics and human rights issues at Laval University (Quebec) and at the Universities of Göttingen and Tübingen (Germany). He has been a member of the International Bioethics Committee of UNESCO on behalf of Argentina (1998-2005). In this capacity, he participated in the drafting of the International Declaration of Human Genetic Data (2003) and the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights (2005). He has also acted as an expert for the Council of Europe and prepared a Report on Advance Directives in European Comparative Law. He is currently associate professor and researcher in medical law and bioethics at the University of Zurich (Switzerland). He has been president of the European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare (ESPMH). He is Associate Professor (‘Privatdozent’) in bioethics and medical law at the Law Faculty of the University of Zurich, Switzerland. He is also Coordinator of the PhD Program “Biomedical Ethics and Law” at the Faculty of Medicine of the same University.

He is trained as a medical doctor and a theologian and he holds a PhD in ancient Greek Philosophy, all three degrees from the University of Oslo (1987, 1989, 1993). Since 1996 he is Professor of Medical Ethics and Head of Research at Centre for medical ethics, Faculty of medicine, University of Oslo. In the period of 2007-2008 he was in charge of UNESCO’s global program in bioethics. In the period of 1996-2011 he served as Adjunct Professor of Philosophy of medicine and Medical Ethics at Centre for International Health, Faculty of medicine, University of Bergen. Solbakk has been invited plenary speaker at around 80 national and international conferences and workshops in bioethics, medical ethics, biotechnology, nanomedicine, and stem cell research in Asia, Europe, Latin America, and Sub-Saharan Africa He has published extensively within these different fields of study. Currently, his main field of research and development is bio(po)ethics. This concept was coined by a Latin American colleague, J.J.M Fariña, and is used as a label for a kind of bioethics that makes use of different poetic and artistic representations to study and teach bioethics.

He holds many degrees and titles including: Psychiatrist, Doctor of Medicine, Bachelor of Philosophy and Professor of Psychopathology at the Complutense University of Madrid. He advanced his studies at the Universities of Heidelberg, Munich, UCLA (Los Angeles) and Georgetown (Washington), where he is Visiting Professor. He is President of the Section of Special Education of the Spanish Society of Pedagogy, a founding member of AEDOS and a member of the Royal Academies of Medicine in Valencia, Cádiz and Granada. He has taught numerous seminars and university courses at many universities in Latin America and has published more than four hundred articles for Spanish reviews and foreign journals as well as about sixty books on his topics of expertise. He currently distributes his time between researching and the working in a clinical setting.

He is a professor of Anthropology at the Francisco de Vitoria University. He began his studies at the Pontifical University of Comillas (Madrid) and Complutense University of Madrid. He graduated with a degree in Philosophy and Education Sciences (Section Philosophy) in 1988. He was a researcher at the Institut Superieur de Philosophie of the University of Leuven, PhD at the University Complutense with a thesis entitled “The cathartic value of the tragic in Literature” (cum laude unanimously). He has developed various research, teaching and training activities. He is the author of several articles on anthropology and aesthetics. Currently, he directs the research cohort in integral anthropology at the Institute of Economic and Social Research Francisco de Vitoria and is a professor at the Francisco de Vitoria University in Madrid.

Professor of Philosophy at the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid. PhD in Philosophy (cum laude) at the Complutense University of Madrid, with the doctoral thesis ‘Spanish Baroque Thought: Philosophy and Literature in Baltasar Gracián’ (2015). Degree in Philosophy, Complutense University of Madrid (2000). Degree in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, Complutense University of Madrid (2006). Executive MBA (2011). He has worked as an editor, translator and publishing director at several publishing houses (Grupo Planeta, La Esfera de los Libros, McGraw-Hill, Siglo XXI). Publishing Director at the International University of La Rioja (2013-2017). At the Rey Juan Carlos University he teaches History of Medieval Philosophy, Social Anthropology, Ethics and Professional Deontology, History of Contemporary Philosophy, and Business Ethics.

Giulia Bovassi is currently PhD Student in Bioethics at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum (UPRA) in Rome (Italy). She obtained her Master’s Degree in Bioethics (summa cum laude) at the same University, discussing the thesis “Pharmacological Neuro-Enhancement and Bioethical Dilemmas. The Need for a New Bridge to the Future”. Previously, she graduated in Philosophy (BA) at the University of Padua (Italy). At the same time, she is completing her Diploma in “Human Security and Sustainable Development” at the Institute for International and Political Studies in Milan (Italy). She started her studies in Bioethics by obtaining the Diploma at the Masterclass in Bioethics offered by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome and, subsequently, by obtaining the Diploma at the Masterclass in Neuro-bioethics and Trans-humanism, promoted by the Neurobioethics Research Group of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights at UPRA. In the meantime, she also continued her philosophical studies by obtaining a Post-graduate Degree in Philosophical Counseling and Existential Anthropology, offered by the European University of Rome and UPRA, whose thesis was published in the volume “The Echo of Solidity. The nostalgia of the recall between liquid anthropology and post-humanism”. (2017). She deals with educational activities, research and training in academic, cultural and political fields on bioethical issues. She is author of several publications, including “Bioethics Guide for Earthlings. From Fulton Sheen to Cybersex” (2020). She collaborates with the UNESCO Chair and her fields of interest are mainly Neurobioethics, Transhumanism and Bioesthetics.

In 2017, Melissa Maioni obtained her PhD in “Bioethics and Integrated Biomedical Sciences” discussing her thesis on “The dimension of hope in cancer patients: bioethical and clinical perspectives” at the Institute of Philosophy of the Scientific and Technological Practice of University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, after completing her bachelor and master’s degree in bioethics at Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum. She was assistant to the chair of the Faculty of Medicine of Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome of the course : «Seminary of Theology for Medical Professions» and of the Faculty of Nursing Science of University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome of the integrated course: “Human Science”. Since three years, she has been an invited professor at the Faculty of Bioethics of Athenaeum Pontificium Regina Apostolorum of the courses: “Bioethics and medical interventions”, “Tirocinio” and some classes of “Advanced Course in Bioethics” and “Summer Introductory Course in Bioethics”. She is author of two books: «Bioetica e culle per la vita. L’ultima possibile alternativa all’aborto» (IF Press Ed., 2015) and of “Feriti dalla malattia, accarezzati dalla Speranza” (Ed. CISU, in press).

Associate Professor of Rey Juan Carlos University (since 2001), Doctor of Law from the Complutense University of Madrid (1994), Degree in law from the Complutense University of Madrid (1985-1990).

Professor of Philosophy (History of Spanish and Latin American Philosophy, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). Director of the Aula de Pensamiento (Schoolroom of Thought) of the Fernando Rielo Foundation. Vice-president of the International Association of Philosophical Hispanism. Her research focuses on contemporary Spanish and Ibero-American Philosophy. Among her latest publications: El pensamiento teológico de María Zambrano (The Theological Thought of María Zambrano), Sindéresis 2018, and the coordination of the Diccionario de pensadoras españolas y contemporáneas. Siglos XIX y XX (Dictionnary of Spanish Women Thinkers in the XIX and XX Century), Sindéresis, 2020. Fernando Rielo: an intellectual biography, Idea, 2020.

He earned his Law Degree from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile School of Law (1994-1999). Subsequently, he accredited his Bachelor´s Degree in Spain for professional and academic purposes in 2011. Shortly after, he earned my Master´s Degree in Spanish Law at the University of Valladolid. Then, he graduated with Cum Laude honors from his doctorate in Law from the University of Valladolid in October 2013. In April 2020, he received his PhD in Philosophy from Rey Juan Carlos University granted with Cum Laude honors as well. The fields of research that he addresses and specializes in are Moral Philosophy, Philosophy of Law and Political Philosophy.

She is an architect graduated from the University of Navarra. She has been practicing architecture since the year of her graduation (1991) to the present day, with work built in the Comunidad Foral and since 1998 in Madrid city. In addition to practicing in her own studio, she created a company dedicated to interior design, having also worked as an auditor in a large construction company. In 2008 she began her teaching work at Comillas (ICAI) and later and until today at the URJC, in the degrees of architecture, design and Landscape Architecture. In 2017 she graduated from the URJC’s Master’s degree in Bioethics, and subsequently completed her PhD in Landscape Architecture. He currently focuses his research work on environmental ethics, energy efficiency and landscape architecture, also collaborating with several research groups at UCM and URJC dedicated to sustainability, sustainable development and smart cities. He collaborates as an architect in the Laudato Sì Foundation, as well as belonging to the Diocesan Commission of Integral Ecology of the Archdiocese of Madrid.

He studied at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas and at the Pontifical Gregorian University where he obtained a Phd in Theology in 2007. He also holds a PhD in Philosophy from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Bioethics and Biojuridical Program) since 2016 and a Master in Bioethics (UNED 2008). For 4 years he taught at the Diocesan Seminary of San Bartolomé (Sigüenza). In 2013 he began teaching at the Faculty of Theology of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas. He teaches courses in Christian Social Thought; Sciences of Culture, Moral and Pastoral Theology, and in the Master of Bioethics. Since January 2019, he has been Director of the Chair of Bioethics at P. Comillas University.

Doctor in Humanities from Anahuac University in México. She obtained her degree with the thesis: “The concept of redemption as the foundation of an esth(ethic) in Walter Benjamin”. Master in Critical Theory (specialization in aesthetics and politics) and Master in Humanities. Bachelor’s in communications. She has been professor of art, humanities and communication theories, for thirty three years at Anahuac University, Iberoamerican University in Mexico and other academic institutions. Faculty member of the Academic Direction of Integral Formation (DAFI) and Vértice. She has published several articles, including: “Oblivion as a deterritorializing form in El Extranjero by Albert Camus” “Kafka, the death of language: Adorno, Benjamin and Deleuze-Guattari’s gaze”; “The name: appearance and transience”; “Clavijero: aesthetic construction of identity in exile”; “Epistemological statute of interpretation in Mauricio Beuchot’s analogue hermeneutics” and “Presupposes for a personalist company”. She has been director of several bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral thesis.

Medical Doctor graduated from Anáhuac University (México); Specialist in Health Management and Corporate Well-being, Master in Health Institutions Management and Administration from Anáhuac University, Master in Pain Management in Clinical Practice (Salamanca University); he is currently doing his Doctorate in Applied Bioethics with studies corresponding to pain management and opioid indications, in the light of personal bioethics at Anáhuac University. Furthermore, he is also an associate researcher at Bioethics Faculty at Anahuac University. He currently serves as Coordinator of the Anahuac Center for Strategic Development in Bioethics (CADEBI), as well as Secretary of the Mexican National Academy of Bioethics and Secretary of the International Association “The Doctor as a Humanist”. His clinical practice has been dedicated to the care of people with limited resources and in street situation.

Carlo Botrugno, PhD, BSW, LLM, LLB, is Assistant Professor at the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Florence; founder and coordinator of the Research Unit on Everyday Bioethics and Ethics of Science (RUEBES); responsible of the Law Clinic in Bioethics at the School of Law of University of Florence; and editor-in-chief of L’Altro Diritto Journal (ISSN: 1827-0565). His research interests stem from: bioethics and medical ethics, ELSI of telemedicine, digital health and AI in healthcare, technological innovation in healthcare, health law, privacy, cybersecurity and data protection in healthcare, medical devices regulation, end of life care, bioethics and racism, human rights and migration issues, discrimination and citizenship, vulnerability, social and political determinants of health.

Researcher in Experimental Pedagogy [SC 11/D2 – SSD M-PED-04] at the Department of Human Sciences, Bachelor of Science in Primary Education [LM-85bis] and lecturer at the Specialization Course for Educational Support Activities for Pupils with Disabilities at the European University of Rome. She is a member of the International Research Center for Inclusion and Teacher Training – IRCIT, an international inter-university research center established between the European University of Rome (Italy) and the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco (Portugal). PhD in “Science of Motor Activities” Curriculum “Science of Human Movement and Health” – XXIX cycle (University of Naples “Parthenope”) she has been a secondary school teacher, cultrice di materia and contract lecturer for teaching and scientific activities at several Italian universities covering also teaching assignments for postgraduate training with teaching activities for TFA courses, participating in national scientific research projects. She is an ordinary member of S.I.PED- Italian Society of Pedagogy, S.I.R.D. – Italian Society of Educational Research of SIREM – Italian Society of Research on Media Education.

Professor of Bioethics and Deontology at the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid, Spain. Degree in Pharmacy from the University of Alcalá de Henares. Specialist Pharmacist in Clinical Analysis by competitive examination, Specialist in Clinical Analysis by the Ministry of Health and Consumption. Specialist in Homeopathy by the French institute CEDH. Specialist in magistral formulation and accreditation by the Official College of Pharmacists. Master in Bioethics and Biolaw by the UNESCO Chair. Diplom of Advanced Studies DEA by the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. PhD in Humanities and Social Sciences and Social Sciences by the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. Expert in Pharmacology, Dermopharmacy, Antibiotic therapy, Nutrition and dietetics, Pharmaceutical Care. I have worked in clinical analysis in clinical biochemistry laboratory in all fields covered by it, I have worked as a teacher in the INSALUD of Guadalajara, associate professor at the University of Alcalá de Henares in the subject of supervised practices and as a community pharmacist in the Pharmacy Office. At present, I continue as a community pharmacist in the Pharmacy Office and as a researcher and teacher at the UFV.