Bioethics and Mass Media

In today’s global village of rapid communication, it is all the more urgent that bioethics news be disseminated properly.

Communication ought to be based on truth and respect for the human person. It is therefore necessary to deepen our understanding on the theories and practice of communication, as they relate to anthropology, sociology, and contemporary culture. This project will also explore how bioethics’ issues are expressed and in turn shape public opinion in television, the press, and the Internet.

A Biomedi@ group has been created at the Regina Apostolorum. Bioethics and Human Rights.



The group has diverse professional profiles – bioethics, communication professionals, journalists, doctors, researchers and university lecturers and biologists – from institutions such as: Pontifical University Regina Apostolorum Faculty of Bioethics, CNR / CERIS, Italian Medical Press Association (ASMI) , Press Office Group (GUS), National Federation of Italian Press (FNSI).
The group is established in the Bioethics Faculty of the Pontifical Regina Apostolorum University and is also one of the research programs of the UNESCO Chair of Bioethics and Human Rights.

Responsible: P. Gonzalo Miranda, L.C.


1- Analyze the “world of communication and information”: impact, dynamics, strategies, ethical and sociological aspects, etc.

2- Analyze critically how mass media present bioethics issues and promote proper information in this area, especially among the communication professionals.

3- Helping to enhance the use of the tools available to effectively communicate their ideas and beliefs on bioethics.

The Annual Bioethics Summer Course of 2010 was on Bioethics and Communication: A Challenge for the Third Millenium.