Bioethics Art Competitions 

Our Mission

In light of the need to deepen our understanding of the principle of human vulnerability and personal integrity, we offer this Mission Statement.

When we refer to behavior and conduct involved in science and technology in the field of Life Science, it is Bioethics. The UNESCO (United Nations Education, Science, and Cultural Organization) Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights seeks to promote those universal values inherent in all cultures regarding goodness, truth and beauty; to ensure the effective protection of human dignity and fundamental rights; and to stimulate greater interest, social sensitivity, compassion, and discussion of life science, bioethics and human rights.

An artist plants the thought of goodness, truth and beauty in the viewer through a visual creation. Although artists come from diverse backgrounds, it is important to stress the convergence of the way we come together to be one. Art fosters convergence. We invite you to explore what is good and bad, to personally discover truth about humanity, to recognize the inherent dignity of the vulnerable, and to capture the beauty of good behavior. We invite you to create art that deepens appreciation of human life—where Art and Bioethics meet. This is our challenge to you, Artists of the Globe.

From the Director

Dear Artists of the Globe,

It is a proud honor of mine to fully endorse the Call to Artists of the Globe for the UNESCO Bioethics and Human Rights Chair Global Art Competition. I would like to speak to you as an artist in this letter, for I admire you able for your courageous dedication to the expression of truths in life that may remain otherwise hidden. Through the visual arts, you are to bring before the eyes of your neighbor mysteries that deserve pondering. In the midst of the business of life, you pause, reflect, and transform your medium into the beautiful material expression of an idea.

In the Mission Statement you will discover the meaning of this endeavor, and the noble message you can portray through your art. The aesthetic experience, as many philosophers have noted, is closely related to the ethical experience, since truth and goodness meet in beauty.

You will surely learn something from the effort of creating your artwork around the theme that is proposed. You will need to look at bioethics and human rights from a unique perspective, and to give the viewer a shared vision of what it means to respect the vulnerable in today’s pluralistic society. You will not know for sure the effect your work may have, but we are sure that it will be a positive and lasting one.

We hope you find this project inspiring. Personally, I look forward with great excitement to viewing your artwork, and hopefully meeting you someday soon!

With my greatest esteem,

Prof. Alberto Garcia, J.D.
Director of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights




Anáhuac University hosts 2011 and 2013 Bioethics Art Competition Winning Pieces in Mexico City

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Hong Kong University Exhibits 2013 Bioethics Art Competition Winners at “The Making of Peace Makers”

The fifteen winning art pieces of 2013 UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights Bioethics Art Completion began another exhibition on February 24, 2014 lasting until March 7, 2014 in the Lobby of the Chi Wah Learning Commons in the Hong Kong University. The Second...

Second UNESCO Chair Bioethics Art Competition Exhibit Opens in Hong Kong

By Michael Baggot The Second Bioethics Art Competition of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights held its inauguration ceremony in Hong Kong at the Gallery by the Harbour of the Harbour City Shopping Mall on December 7, 2013. “Through the universal language of...

School Celebrates Anniversary with Winning Students and a Personal Congratulation 

Two  winners of the Bioethics Global Art Competition’s Student Category met the Director of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights at their high school, Pinecrest Academy, in Cumming, GA on September 6, 2013.  Dr. Alberto Garcia spoke to Juniors and...

Present and Future Bioethical Questions of Genomics and Medicine 

By Andrew Adey  Since the first steps were taken toward understanding the underlying biology of all living things, we have dreamt of how these secrets could be used to benefit mankind. From the noble perspectives of curing disease to the unsettling ideas of...

A Tale of Two Artists 

By Michael Gannon  It’s hard to take a hands-off approach to some things…  But I felt I had to take a hands-off approach in my conversations with artists when it came to  offering ideas or examples of what they could submit. I felt it was better to let them...

What is Bioethics and why should Art be associated with it? 

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Board Members

Yvonne Denbina, Chair
Artist, Gallery owner

Garden of the Dragonfly Art Gallery

Alberto Garcia, J.D.
Professor, Director, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights

Fr. Joseph Tham, LC
Professor, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights

John Lunstroth,
Health Law & Policy Institute, University of Houston Law Center, Houston

Dr. Colleen Gallagher, PhD, LSW, FACHE
Chief and Executive Director of the Section of Integrated Ethics in Cancer Care of the Department of Critical Care at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston