IES: Innovation, Education, Skills

Educating is a team game


IES was created to address the challenges of educational and digital poverty: two interconnected phenomena that profoundly affect the well-being and development of individuals and communities.

Through the implementation of experimental teaching methods, such as the use of an innovative educational toolkit and the development of practical and engaging workshops, IES aims at actively involving participants, making them protagonists of change.

This approach will allow students and teachers to explore new ways of learning, promoting inclusive and digital education, adapted to the challenges of the 21st century.

The project targets marginal areas in Rome and Lazio with the aim of reducing the digital divide and improving access to education.


Reduce educational poverty: Promote access to quality education for
all, particularly for vulnerable communities.

Fight the digital divide: Provide concrete tools to ensure digital inclusion and access to technologies.

Empowerment of educators and students: Provide innovative resources to enable teachers to adopt new and challenging teaching methods that meet the needs of a changing world.


Time Frame: September 2024- September 2025

First Phase – Launch event and organization of the workshops.

Second Phase– Development of the FAD Toolkit (Distance Learning)

Third Phase – Implementation of 4 pilot workshops

Fourth Phase – Promotion of the toolkit and conclusion 


Contact Serena Montefusco – Coordinator 



The European University of Rome, founded in 2004, is an Italian non-state university, which is part of the public university system and, at the same time, part of the great tradition of the educational institutions of the Catholic Church. It is part of an international network of universities with campuses in Italy, Spain, the United States, Mexico and Chile. The UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights established at the European University of Rome and the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum promotes the application of bioethical principles in new technologies and solidarity among citizens of the world, in the light of the UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights.

EucA – The European Association of University Colleges is based in Brussels and has as its student affairs themes the internationalisation of work, the development of transversal competences, international mobility and active citizenship with particular reference to the European Institutions. It is a reference point in Europe for the development of Student Affairs Services by fostering training and best practices among those in Europe who are involved in the education and training of students. Previous experience related to the topic in projects: GenZ votes, EYE quiz Tournament, European go digital, Message to europeans 3.0 Ref.

Social Warning Movimento Etico Digitale is a social promotion association composed of a group of digital professionals whose mission is to disseminate information among young people and adults, students and teachers, children and parents, to make them aware of the value and necessity of a digital civic education, addressing both the potential and the risks of new technologies. From 2018 to date, the association has met about 90,000 secondary school students and 30,000 adults thanks to training activities carried out in school, association and work contexts throughout Italy.


Funded by CIMEA in cooperation with the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI). The views expressed belong, however, to the author(s) alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of CIMEA or CRUI. Neither CIMEA nor CRUI can be held responsible for them.