Chair Fellow, Prof. Fr. Joseph Tham, LC, will be one of the speakers during the EACME Annual Confernce #EACME22.
For the last ten years, the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights has been involved in a project of “Bioethics, Multiculturalism and Religion”. Seven international workshops have been held in Jerusalem (2009), Rome (2011), Hong Kong (2013), Mexico City (2014), Houston (2016) Rome (2017) and Casablanca (2019). These academic encounters had gathered scholars in bioethics and religious ethics from the major world religions—Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Daoism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism—as well as the secular perspective. The great diversity in opinions, positions based on the variety of cultural and religious traditions has been very enlightening and challenging. In these encounters, we have been experimenting with different modalities of interaction and conversation. The methodology is still evolving, and we are working out an approach that allows for both expressions of diversity of opinions while avoiding relativism. In this presentation, we will provide some statistics of these encounters, and report the results of these interactions. The successes and pitfalls we have observed in these workshops will be valuable for those who are interested in the area of interreligious and intercultural engagement in bioethics.
For further information: https://eacme2022.it/program/