Law and Technology Working Group
In response to growing interest among Global Forum Partners on the subject of issues at the intersection of law and technology, in respect of the Global Forum’s overall objectives to promote the Rule of Law in the development context, and in order to provide a focused, coherent, and relevant approach to understand the development impact of these issues, the Law & Technology Working Group states the following mission:
- to raise awareness within the Working Group and the Global Forum on the legal and related policy issues at the intersection of law and technology from the perspective of sustainable, equitable, and responsible economic development;
- to promote understanding of development impacts of these legal and policy issues within and among members’ constituencies; and
- to provide a platform to consider and support practical solutions, including governance and accountability standards to pressing law/technology questions and challenges.
The Working Group will perform this mission primarily through the co-creation of a community of practice whose members will share experiences, monitor activities of the international community, undertake research, host events and support collaboration among the private and public sector, and civil society, as the Group considers appropriate in connection with fulfilling its mission. The Working Group will report back to the Steering Committee of the Global Forum on progress in meeting this mission and about its specific activities.
Further information here.

Alberto Garcia
Chairholder, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights

David Satola
Lead Counsel, Innovation & Technology, World Bank

Mirjana Stankovic
Senior Digital Policy Specialist, DAI