UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights

Fostering the Art of Convergence and Cooperation in Global Ethics

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Activities and News

La Salud Postpandemia

La Salud Postpandemia

La Dra. María Elizabeth de los Ríos, investigadora de nuestra Cátedra, publicó el artículo “La Salud Postpandemia” en el periódico Reforma en el que aborda el tema cómo entender la salud después esta experiencia pandémica. Descarga el artículo en el siguiente link “La...

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Bioethics during COVID-19 Final Report

Bioethics during COVID-19 Final Report

By Serena Montefusco Since January 2020, the world has been facing a new challenge. Most employees could no longer go to work, most students could no longer attend their school, and most countries faced an economic crisis because of the pandemic. They were forced to...

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ADD KNOW-ledge to your decision making

ADD KNOW-ledge to your decision making

Our research scholars Mariel Kalkach Aparicio and Elizabeth de los Ríos Uriarte not only have worked together with an interdisciplinary working group, on a practical guide with 7 steps that are recommendations for health personnel faced with making ethically difficult...

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