UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights
Fostering the Art of Convergence and Cooperation in Global Ethics
Areas of Interest
Activities and News
The epidemic in the time of artificial intelligence
By Prof. Fr. Alberto Carrara, LC, Chair Fellow The mysterious American writer Emily Elisabeth Dickinson (1830-1886) is mostly known for her unusual life, spent mainly reclused in her house in Amherst, where she was born. Her work, in addition to her well-known poetry...
Guía Práctica para la toma de decisiones clínicas con ética ante la pandemia COVID-19
Nuestras investigadoras Mariel Kalkach Aparicio y Ma. Elizabeth de los Ríos Uriarte junto a un grupo de trabajo interdisciplinario, en diálogo constante y con base en la experiencia de médicos en España, Italia, México y EU, han trabajado sobre una guía práctica con 7...
Statement on COVID-19: Ethical Considerations from a Global Perspective – IBC&COMEST
In response to the difficult ethical issues raised in our global efforts combating the COVID-19 pandemic, UNESCO’s International Bioethics Committee (IBC) and World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST) have jointly issued...
Ficha técnica libro “Bioética para niños y niñas”
Publicado por Editorial Porrúa en colaboración con la Facultad de Bioética de la Universidad Anáhuac, Mexico Bioética para niños y niñas es un libro donde tres personajes: Alex, Horacio y Abigail nos enseñan de forma ágil y divertida que la bioética se encarga de...
Ficha técnica libro “Cuéntame de Bioética”
Publicado en Amazon por la Cátedra Bioética para Todos de la Universidad Anahuac en colaboración con la UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights, Roma, Italia Cuéntame de Bioética es un libro que describe la historia de varios niños de distintas...
Dr. Dominique J. Monlezun received the Microsoft Award for Artificial Intelligence Doctoral Dissertation
From 26 to 28 February some members of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights participated in the General Assembly on Artificial Intelligence organized by the Pontifical Academy for Life, Vatican City. After two days of workshops focused on the importance to...
The challenges of Artificial Intelligence in healthcare
by Claudia Fini Artificial intelligence (AI) aims to reproduce human intellectual faculties in artificial systems to be employed in a variety of fields, from communication networks and services to medicine and healthcare. The development of AI technologies is well...
International Research Seminar in Bioesthetics
“Towards a Bioesthetics in favor of integral human health” Madrid, 8-9 January 2020 By Giulia Bovassi Abstract On January 8-9, 2020, the Bioesthetics Group of Study (Grupo de Estudio sobre Bioestética) met in Madrid for the International Research Seminar in...