UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights
Fostering the Art of Convergence and Cooperation in Global Ethics
Areas of Interest

Activities and News
World Environment Day: taking actions to preserve our environment, our human rights and our health
By Camilla Carlesi On June 5th, World Environment Day was celebrated for the 45th time since its creation in 1974 at the Stockholm Conference on the ‘Human Environment’. The event is recognized worldwide, and is used as a tool to inform and encourage actions to...
Joseph Tham participated in the International Workshop: Ethics of Biomedical Technology and Artificial Intelligence.
On May 31st, our Chair fellow Fr. Joseph Tham participated in the International Workshop: Ethics of Biomedical Technology and Artificial Intelligence. The workshop was organised by Global China Studies, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, City University of...
Global Compact on Migrants and Refugees: the Role of the Church, May 15, 2019.
By Camilla Carlesi “Welcoming, Protecting, Promoting, Integrating” The conference “Global Compact on Migrants and Refugees: the Role of the Church”, hosted on the 15 of May at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, discussed the actions of the Church towards the...
How International Film Networks and Festivals Are Working to Promote Human Rights and Bioethics
By Madison Silverman Art can present itself through a myriad of mediums and can prove to be a very powerful and effective tool for the advancement of human rights and bioethics. One of the most dynamic and potent areas of artistic expression is film, which has the...
Navigating impasses in Bioethics: End of Life, Disability and Mental illness
By Caterina Milo The UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights is glad to have supported the publication of the Journal of Disability & Religion Special Issue (3) 2018 on ‘Navigating impasses in Bioethics: End of Life, Disability and Mental illness’. Fr. Gonzalo...
Evangelizing culture through sport and interreligious dialogue: the example of the Vatican cricket team
by P. Sameer Advani - Jose Mathew The Vatican's cricket team, founded in 2014, is made up of priests and seminarians who study and work in Rome and is affiliated with the Pontifical Council for Culture and Sport of the Vatican under Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi. Team...
“Man-machine interaction: the application in the disability’s field” Masterclass in Robo-ethics, 4th lesson Interdisciplinary Resarch Group on Neurobioethics, 25 January 2019
By Giulia Bovassi Encouraged by the words that the Holy Father, in Humana Communitas, dedicated in memory of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Pontifical Academy for Life, also accompanied by the operative reality of Dr. Federica Ebau, we are called again in this...
“Robo-ethics: robotics, rehabilitation, personalization and re-education of body and mind” Masterclass in Robo-ethics, 3rd lesson Interdisciplinary Research Group on Neurobioethics, 14 December 2018
By Giulia Bovassi Addressing the issue of robotics is now a need that cannot be postponed, particularly in recent times, since a rapid acceleration forced this close face-to-face between robotics and human reality. The technical examination offered by the experts...