UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights

Fostering the Art of Convergence and Cooperation in Global Ethics

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Activities and News

Informed Consent Seminars – LUMSA University

Informed Consent Seminars – LUMSA University

  By Santiago Marcet - On October 10th and November 12nd, Prof. Alberto Garcia, Director of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights, attended LUMSA’s venues in Rome and Palermo to give a presentation on the details of the European project of i-CONSENT, as well...

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A Collaboration to Share Love and Generosity

A Collaboration to Share Love and Generosity

  Based on the values of cooperation and generosity, the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights and the social program Contagia Alegria have reached an agreement and a common goal. Contagia Alegria was born as a social action to help children and people in...

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