UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights
Fostering the Art of Convergence and Cooperation in Global Ethics
Areas of Interest

Activities and News
“Hypnosis and cognitive hypnotherapy. The hypnotic experience in psychotherapy and palliative care.”
By Giulia Bovassi - Abstract Neurosciences’ field of action surprises in depth, involvement and extension, as evidenced during the Interdisciplinary Neuro-bioethics Research Group (GdN) last meeting, held last 9 February, having as its protagonist the hypnotic...
Press Release – Multicultural and Interreligious Perspective on Informed Consent
The UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights will hold its 6th international Bioethics, multiculturalism and religion workshop to discuss issues of informed consent and clinical research February 21-23. As part of the i-Consent consortium (a project funded by...
International Conference on Multicultural and Interreligious Perspective on Informed Consent
February 21-23, 2018 Rome International conference on Multiculturalism and interreligious perspective on informed consent The UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights will hold its 6th international Bioethics, multiculturalism and religion workshop to discuss issues...
MASTERCLASS IN NEUROBIOETHICS PSYCHIATRY INTERFACES WITH THE HEAD TRANSPLANTATION IDEA 14 December 2017 By Giulia Bovassi - Abstract Through a dialogue between experts and in an open debate, the intervention of two well-known psychiatrists, professor Armando Piccinni...
Prof. Mirko D. Garasic, UNESCO Chair Research Scholar, published in Bioetica – Rivista Interdisciplinare
Prof. Garasic engaged in a discussion on his book Guantanamo and Other Cases of Enforced Medical Treatment (Springer, 2015) http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319226521 has on the Italian Journal "Bioetica -Rivista Interdisciplinare (3;2017; year XXV) where exchanged...
International Workshop: Public Reason and Bioethics
By Dominic Farrell LC - Two professors from the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, Dominic Farrell LC (Faculty of Philosophy) and Joseph Tham LC (Faculty of Bioethics), took part in an International Workshop on Public Reason and Bioethics at Chinese University...
Book Presentation: Religious Perspectives on Bioethics and Human Rights
By Michael Baggot - UNESCO Chair Fellow Joseph Tham presented the book Religious Perspectives on Bioethics and Human Rights at the Baptist University of Hong Kong on January 3. The work is based upon texts presented and discussed at the same university in December...
Prof. Mirko D. Garasic, UNESCO Chair Research Scholar, published in AJOB Neuroscience:
Prof. Mirko D. Garasic, UNESCO Chair Research Scholar, published in AJOB Neuroscience: Why HEAVEN Is Not About Saving Lives at All “Life extension is one of the main goals of Posthumanism and—though camouflaged as a therapeutic operation—HEAVEN could be the...