UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights
Fostering the Art of Convergence and Cooperation in Global Ethics
Areas of Interest

Activities and News
Natural Law and Global Bioethics
UNESCO Chair Fellow Dr. Joseph Tham presented his reflection on "Natural Law and Global Bioethics" at the International Conference on Religions and Human Rights at the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua on April 15, 2016. The introduction to Tham's talk is...
“Neuroscience: Ethics and Law” event features Chair Fellows and Interreligious Round Table
by Michael Baggot On Monday April 4, the Department of Jurisprudence hosted a morning of study dedicated to “Neuroscience: Ethics and Law” at Libera Università Maria Ss. Assunta (LUMSA). The event featured presentations from both UNESCO Chair Director Alberto...
The person in the posthumanistic era
Prof. Dr. Alberto Carrara, Coordinator of the Italian Research Group of Neurobioethics (GdN) and Fellow of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights, gave students of various faculties a mini-course on Posthumanism at the Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado...
Studia Bioethica journal devoted to “Bioethics and Mass Media”
The first issue of Studia Bioethica for 2016 has been published and is now available online here. The text is dedicated to the theme of "Bioethics and Mass Media." Previous issues of the bioethical journal of the Regina Apostolorum Faculty of Bioethics can be found...
UNESCO Chair Director participates in round table on Religion and Bioethics
UNESCO Chair Director Alberto Garcia recently participated in a round table on the theme “Relationship between Religion and Bioethics” as part of the “Festival of Life” in Caserta, Italy. A full program of the event can be seen here. Garcia explained that the...
15th Annual International Bioethics Summer Course
Faculty of Bioethics Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum Rome, Italy 15th Annual International Bioethics Summer Course 15º Corso Estivo Internazionale di Aggiornamento in Bioetica 15º Curso de Verano Internacional de Actualización en Bioética ...
UNESCO Chair supports art that promotes human rights
UNESCO Chair Director Alberto Garcia recently participated at an annual gathering of the Fondazione Marianna, an organization devoted to the artistic works that promote human rights. Garcia functions as a member of the organization’s Advisory Board. The foundation...
UNESCO Chair sponsors Bioethics diploma in Chile
The UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights recently formalized its sponsorship of the diploma program of the Institute of Bioethics in the Universidad Finis Terrae in Santiago, Chile. The diploma program seeks to form in professional educators the competencies...