UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights

Fostering the Art of Convergence and Cooperation in Global Ethics

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Activities and News



On the occasion of World Education Day the Recui- Network of Italian UNESCO Chairs organized its first General Assembly on the topics: peace education future. It was also an opportunity to present a Statement on Migration, the outcome of the work of the group...

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Master in Global Bioethics Online

Master in Global Bioethics Online

The UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights in collaboration with The University of Anáhuac (Faculty of Bioethics), and the Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum is launching the NEW Master in Global Bioethics online. Objectives & Outcomes: Training future...

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Post-Mortem Dignity in Mexico

Post-Mortem Dignity in Mexico

By Analuisa Ahumada Madrigal, Student, Law School - Universidad Anahuac Queretaro In Mexico there is a great problem with violence, connected to homicides. Mexico has registered around 91 deaths per day[1]; in the 7 entities which reported such statistics, it is said...

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