UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights
Fostering the Art of Convergence and Cooperation in Global Ethics
Areas of Interest

Activities and News
Magíster en Doctrina Social de la Iglesia. Reflexión y vida
The Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in collaboration with the University Finis Terrae of Santiago de Chile, the University Francisco de Vitoria - Spain, and the Society of Consecrated Lay Apostolic Life of Regnum Christi promotes a new online training course...
The 20th Bioethics Summer Course
Course presentation The 2Oth Bioethics Summer Course “Bioethics, Death, and Immortality” will take place July 4-8, 2022. The course will be taught in Italian and English, with simultaneous translation available in both languages. The course is organized by the...
Art and Bioethics
by Ana Maria Ganev “And, certainly, to him life itself was the first, the greatest, of the arts, and for it all the other arts seemed to be but a preparation.” by Oscar Wilde The Bioesthetics Study Group of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights is an...
The Italian UNESCO Chairs meet the Ministries of Education and University and Research. On the agenda sustainability and socio-ecological transition
The central role of education, the need for integrated knowledge, the development of new skills and the commitment to a joint and shared ecological transition. These are some of the issues of the meeting of the Italian UNESCO Chairs with the Ministries of Education...
UNESCO member states adopt the first ever global agreement on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
Source: en.unesco.org Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO presented Thursday the first ever global standard on the ethics of artificial intelligence adopted by the member states of UNESCO at the General Conference. This historical text defines the common values...
Research Scholar Dr. Fr. Michael Baggot, LC, at Fall Conference ‘I Have Called You by Name’: Human Dignity in a Secular World.
The de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture held its 21st annual Fall Conference, “I Have Called You by Name: Human Dignity in a Secular World,” November 11–13, 2021, in person at the University of Notre Dame. What do we mean by “human dignity”? What are its...
Eat, Pray And Wash Your Hands
by Ana Maria Ganev “Thoroughly wash away my guilt; and from my sin cleanse me.” Psalm 51:4 “Cleanse me with hyssop, that I may be pure; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” Psalm 51:9 Regular handwashing with soap is promoted as an effective approach to disease...
Neural Dynamics of Creativity
By Ana Maria Ganev, PhD Candidate Faculty of Bioethics - Intern UNESCOBIOCHAIR “One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche ― The Research Group of Neurobioethics of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human...