Religions, Cultures, Human Rights

International Conference

Religions, Cultures, Human Rights: Complex Relations in Evolution

The UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights was one of the co-sponsors of the International Conference “Religions, Cultures, Human Rights: Complex Relations in Evolution” organized by Religion for Peace and under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic.  It was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affair in Rome from May 12-13, 2010.  The UNESCO Chair fellow Fr. Joseph Tham represented our director Alberto Garcia to explain the project we have initiated in the areas of Religion, Multiculturalism and Bioethics to more than 100 participants and speakers at this congress.  Filippo Vari, full time professor of the Law program at the European University of Rome, and Felix de Luxembourg, Sherilyn DiMarco and Claire Lademacher, students of the School of Bioethics who are interns of the Chair were also present.  See program flyer

Question session with Tris Engelhardt

IMG_2118aOn March 11, 2010, Professor Tristram Engelhardt visited the Regina Apostolorum Univeristy and met with students and faculty.  He answered many of the questions directed to him regarding his understanding of faith and reason in bioethics, human rights, and global bioethics.


Confucian Bioethics, Dr. Fan Ruiping

On March 10, 2010, Dr. Fan Ruiping gave a presentation at the Regina Apostolorum University to a group of students on “Confucian Bioethics”.  Dr. Fan is a professor of bioethics from Hong Kong’s City University.  At the end, he answered questions from the participants.


International Conferences on Bioethics & Religion in Jerusalem

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December 13, 2009 “Culture of Life and Religion”
Organized by UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights and Master in Scienza e Fede, Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University

December 14, 2009 “Bioethics, Law and Religion in End of Life Issues”
VII International Congress of International Federation of Centres and Institutes of Bioethics of Personalist Inspiration (FIBIP) Organized by the School of Bioethics, Regina Apostolorum Pontifical university

Free admission!*

Location of event:
Pontifical Institute Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center
Paratroopers’ Road N° 3 – 91204 Jerusalem, Israel.
Look at the virtual map.

For accommodation options and registration please contact

Click on Read more for complete information

* Disclaimer: the participation at the conferences is free. Transportation and accommodation expenses are not included.

Dialogue is often the first step toward mutual understanding and construction of peace. Today there is a growing need for such dialogue and what better place to launch this new initiative than Jerusalem.
These conferences seek to find common ground among the great monotheistic religions— Judaism, Christianity and Islam— in the specific areas of bioethics. In the area of life issues, there is a great deal of common ground that can be shared among these three Abrahamic faiths. A great part of humanity is a member of these faiths and more than ever, the advances in biotechnology and medicine are posing new challenges that religion often is not been able to offer an adequate response. These conferences want to bring together leaders in bioethics from these great religions so that trough dialogue and mutual understanding they can bring original contribution to the field.

UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights:

International Conference “Culture of life and Religion”

December 13, 2009

(There will be simultaneous translation into Arab, English, Hebrew and Italian)

9:30-10:00 Introductory remarks: Fostering the art of convergence and cooperation in global ethicsDr. Alberto García, Director, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights
Greetings to religious, civil and institutional authoritiesFr. Eamon Kelly, LC, Vice-Director, Pontifical Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center
10:00-10:45 Lecture: Life and bioethics in the Jewish traditionDr. Yechiel Michael Barilan, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Coffee break
11: 00-11:45 Lecture: Life and bioethics in the Islamic traditionDr. Mustafa Abu Sway, Al-Quds University of Jerusalem
12:00-13:00 Question session
Lunch Break

15:00-15:45Lecture: Life and bioethics in the Christian traditionHEM. Elio Sgreccia, Emeritus President of Pontifical Academy for Life15:45-16:30Question session Coffee Break

16:30 – 18:00

Round table discussions: “Priority agenda of interreligious dialogue in the areas of life and health issues, culture and bioethics”Dr. Amnon Carmi, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, University of Haifa, Israel

Dr. Gonzalo Miranda, LC, School of Bioethics, Regina Apostolorum, Rome, Italy

Dr. Mustafa Abu Sway, Al-Quds University of Jerusalem

18:30-19:00Concluding remarksDr. Alberto García, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights, Roma, Italy20:30Dinner

VII International Congress of FIBIP:

“Bioethics, Law and Religion in End of Life Issues”

December 14, 2009

(There will be simultaneous translation into Arab, English, Hebrew and Italian)

Introductory remarks and greetingsHEM. Elio Sgreccia. Emeritus President of Pontifical Academy for Life

Dr. Gonzalo Miranda, LC., School of Bioethics, Regina Apostolorum, Rome

Fr. Eamon Kelly, LC, Vice-Director, Pontifical Nostre Dame of Jerusalem Center

9:15-10:00 Lecture: Positive law, ethics and religionDr. Laura Palazzani, LUMSA University, Rome, Italy
10:00-10:45 Lecture: Jewish bioethics on end of life issuesDr. David Heyd, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Round table discussions: Proportionality in therapy, Palliative care, Living WillsDr. Colleen M. Gallagher, The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer

Center, Houston, USA

Dr. Jonathan Halevy, Shaare Zedek Medical Center of Jerusalem

Dr. Mustafa Abu Sway, Al-Quds University of Jerusalem

12:00-13:00 Open Communications
Lunch break

 15:00-15:45Lecture: Christian bioethics on end of life issuesDr. Gonzalo Miranda, LC, School of Bioethics, Regina Apostolorum, Rome, Italy15:45-16:30Lecture: Islamic bioethics on end of life issuesDr. Mutairu Ezimokhai, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE Coffee break


Round table discussions: Death, Determination of death, and Euthanasia.Dr. Maurizio Faggioni, OFM, Alphonsian Academy, Rome, Italy

Dr. Jonathan Halevy, Shaare Zedek Medical Center of Jerusalem

Dr. Mustafa Abu Sway, Al-Quds University of Jerusalem



Regina Apostolorum Pontifical University

School of Bioethics. The recent and breath-taking advances of medicine makes it important that medical technology is properly used to help build a better life for society and respect the dignity of every human person. For this reason, the School of Bioethics was founded in 2001 by the Regina Apostolorum Pontifical university in Rome to educate and train ethicists in the areas of biomedicine.
Master Science and Faith at Regina Apostolorum is part of STOQ Project (Science, Theology and the Ontological Quest) where some Pontifical Universities are involved: Lateran, Gregorian, Holy Cross, Salesian, St. Thomas and Urbanian supported by Pontifical Council of Culture and sponsored by John Templeton Foundation.

The International Federation of Bioethics Centers and Institutes of Personalist Inspiration (FIBIP), located in Rome, at the Bioethics Center of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, arises from the awareness that all decisions and guidelines appearing in the everprogressing domain of biomedical sciences and its innovative applications, will play a decisive role in the future of mankind; also putting at the center of every kind of scientific and cultural advance, an inviolable value, namely the pursuit of the common sake trough the promotion of the sake of the human person, from conception until death, unifying, on the other hand, intelligences and efforts in order to define in every situation all those values that can contribute towards realizing an authentic progress.

The Pontifical Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center has the following sections: A guest house for religious and pilgrims which also serves as an ecumenical and pastoral center for Jerusalem Christians, thus promoting the encounter between the local and universal Church; A professional promotion center for local Palestinian youth; A permanent exhibition “Who is the Man of the Shroud?” on the Shroud of Turin. By all of these means, the Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center intends to fulfill the mission entrusted to it by Pope John Paul II, who stated in his Decree, “We dedicate this Center to Our Lady of Jerusalem, Regina Pacis (Queen of Peace), and offer it to the world as a place of fruitful spiritual development.”

UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights
. Roma. Italy. The UNESCO Chair offers a university framework of reflection and study, providing information and fostering the application of bioethical principles in science, medicine and new technologies based on the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. This chair is established by UNESCO in two Roman universities, the Università Europea di Roma and Regina Apostolorum Pontifical university. The chair also involves two UNITWIN privileged partners: Universidade Agostinho Neto (Luanda, Angola) and Universidad Anahuac (Mexico City).

2009 Jerusalem report

UNESCO Chair Hosts Jews, Christians and Muslims in Jerusalem Bioethics Conferences

Fostering the art of convergence and cooperation in global ethics among the three Monotheistic faiths using an academic model for dissemination and sharing of information and knowledge.

Jerusalem-  A “Cry for Peace” is the emerging tone of the International Conferences on Bioethics and Religion being held December 13th-14th, 2009 at Pontifical Institute Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center.  The UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights (Rome, Italy) and the FIBIP (Federation of Centers and Institutes of Bioethics of Personalist Inspiration) are pleased to present conferences on “Culture of Life and Religion” and “Bioethics, Law and Religion in End of Life Issues.”

Hosted by the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights, established in two Roman universities, the Universita Europea di Roma and Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, the conferences will be the first step in creating a permanent academic forum to promote dialogue and bioethical reflection in the light of human rights and duties addressed from different religious and cultural perspectives in an actively-advancing medical, legal and technological environment.

The conferences seek to foster the art of convergence and cooperation in global ethics among experts in bioethics coming from the great monotheistic religions— Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  In the area of life issues there is a great deal of common ground shared among these three Abrahamic faiths.  Advances in biotechnology and medicine are posing new challenges to which religion alone often cannot offer an adequate response.  Through dialogue and mutual understanding, these experts are capable of bringing original contributions to these fields.

Bioethics is an interdisciplinary field addressing the ethical aspects of research and development in areas that include biology, medicine, neuroscience, stem cell research, nanotechnology, genetic experimentation and other technologies affecting life and health.

“One of the main goals for this gathering is to create a study group based upon mutual respect for shared values and for the dignity of all religions and cultures,” said Dr. Alberto Garcia, Conference Director.  “It is through this type of dialogue in an open forum that ideas solidify and  often times serve as  the basic guidelines for significant legislative and public policy changes which affect all humanity. “

“In the first few days of preliminary meetings, we are greatly inspired by the welcoming reception we have received,“ Dr. Garcia said.  “You can feel the warmth of co-operation in every handshake and, as one participant observed, the spirit reflected here is a ‘Cry for Peace.’  We are working together for the good of all mankind.”

The opening day of the event is titled, ”Culture of Life and Religion” and features lectures on “Life and Bioethics” presented by speakers from each religious tradition.  Lectures will be translated simultaneously into Arabic, English, Hebrew and Italian.  Dr. David Heyd, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, will discuss the Jewish cultural perspective, Dr. Mustafa Abu Sway, Al-Quds University of Jerusalem, will speak on the Islamic culture, and HEM Elio Sgreccia, Emeritus President of Pontifical Academy of Life, will express the Christian viewpoint.  Round table discussions in  “Priority Agenda of Intercultural Dialogue in the Areas of Life and Health Issues, Culture and Bioethics“ will be led by Dr. Amnon Carmi, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, University of Haifa, Israel.

“Bioethics, Law and Religion in End of Life Issues,” will be the topic of the second day.  Round table discussions will include “Proportionality in Therapy, Palliative Care and Living Wills“ and “Death, Determination of Death and Euthanasia.”

Speaking on “Positive Law, Ethics and Religion” is Dr. Laura Palazzani, LUMSA University, Rome, Italy.  Other  speakers include Dr. Colleen M. Gallagher, University of Texas; M.D. Anderson, Cancer Center of Houston, Texas; Dr. Mutairu Ezimokhai, United Arab Emeritus University, Al Ain, UAE;

Dr. Paulina Taboada, Catholic University, Chile; Dr. Jonathan Halevy, Shaare Zedec Medical Center, Jerusalem; Dr.  Gonzalo Miranda, LC, School of Bioethics, Regina Apostolorum, Rome, Italy.  Fr. Eamon Kelly, LC, Vice-Director, Pontifical Institute Notre Dame of Jerusalem Center, will welcome conference participants. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem will be assisting and collaborating in the conferences.

UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, was founded in 1945.  Today it functions as a laboratory of ideas and a standard-setter to forge universal agreements on emerging ethical issues.

In 2009, UNESCO signed an agreement to establish a UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights in Rome.  The UNESCO Chair offers academic degrees in bioethics and human rights and promotes and conducts research projects.  The Roman universities have also formed partnerships with Universidade Agostinho Neto in Luanda, Angola, and Universidad Anahuac in Mexico City, Mexico.

Dr. Garcia says, “One of our most important goals is to be current on the latest scientific developments in biomedicine and technology, anticipating potential areas of conflict and offering creative insights and proactive resolutions to ethical dilemmas.  There is much to be done in recruiting scholars to our field of study and in providing education and training, as well as encouraging research.  We want to invite other experts coming from different cultural and religious backgrounds to join us in the spirit of the principles of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, approved by UNESCO.  We are appealing to everyone who respects human dignity to support us.”